Justice Oriented Somatic Psychotherapy
for people at the margins
Supporting individuals in pursuit of deeper connection to identity and community.
You feel disconnected from yourself, your dreams, & your roots, but what if you didn’t have to?
You weren’t meant to figure it ALL out on your own.
Did you grow up/or live at the intersection of multiple cultures & identities that you want to integrate?
Are you wanting to feel more aligned, embodied, & connected to yourself?
Do you feel drawn to explore your roots, spirituality, & relationships in a decolonized way?
Integrative Somatic therapy
helps you manage stress
by helping you find peace & balance in body & sensations,
giving your busy mind a break.
Your nervous system, your environment & people around you all may affect your inner peace.
But you can build inner power & resilience through somatic awareness.
Hi there, I’m Devin (she/they)
I’m here to help you connect to your authentic self & inner power, to help you embrace any changes you face. I’m passionate about helping mixed race & bicultural folx because I myself have lived experience in mixed race and gender expansive body & have benefitted from the support of therapists, community, and mentors who helped me. My cultural and gender identities & understanding continues to build & unfold as many other learning healing humans I have come to cross paths with. My work centers decolonization and supporting others in recognizing harmful oppressive systems that stunt growth/wellness in their lives & work. I believe in the healing power of community and hope to support others in building sustainable tools for holistic healing & collective liberation. Mixed Healing Collective PLLC was born out of a calling for collective healing & community care rooted in social justice.
My supportive & collaborative approach focuses on:
Identity development - racial/LGBTQ+/cultural/ethnic
cultural stress/anxiety & inter/generational trauma
cultivating connection to ancestral healing
spiritual abuse & deconstructing religion
decolonizing & internalized racism & oppression
Individual Counseling
Therapy and counseling is helpful for individuals seeking a deeper understanding of themselves or those seeking guidance in processing and integrating past experiences.
Peer Consultation
Whether you’re looking for a short term push or specialized support / expertise on an obstacle you're facing, one on one consultation can provide helpful guidance and insight to support your goals.